"We can help you finance any business you decide to buy not just those sold by Sidney Phillips"
A large proportion of the pubs we arrange finance for are being sold without the benefit of having any historic financial information yet offer fantastic opportunities find out more
do you have the option to buy your freehold?
We have many delighted clients who have successfully bought their pub freehold
Click Here for more information or call us now.
At the present time the key to successfully obtaining funding for a business purchase or re-finance is a mixture of good connections within the lending institutions, an understanding of the lender's borrowing criteria and careful attention to providing them with a well thought out and fully documented proposal.
With all lenders having tightened up on commercial lending it has never been more important to use the experience of companies such as ourselves who can provide you with a whole of market solution, when considering the financing of your business.
We hope you find our site informative but as each set of circumstances will be unique, and given the currently challenging lending market, we would suggest that you call us for an informal chat and to receive indicative terms.
“We are very grateful we contacted you. Without your help and expert guidance we would not be happily trading at the Trout Inn in Beulah and forging a good future for ourselves” Dave and Heather Saunders http://www.thetroutinn.net
Looking to buy another type of business?
See our partner site Business Mortgage Solutions for help and guidance on funding for all commercial and retail businesses.
Business Mortgage Solutions T/A Sidney Phillips Business Mortgages, is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Our Firm Reference number is 734594. Not all types of business we undertake is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Business Mortgage Solutions is a credit broker not a lender. Registered with the ICO, registration number Z5836978
Established 1986 - Terms & Conditions
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